Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How much does it cost to get hair cut, dye whole head, and bleach for highlights?read details b4 replying?

i want to go to a salon to get my hair cut, and dyed black with blue highlights. but i know they'll have to bleach the black for the blue highlight. does anyone have any idea from experiance or just knowing how much it would cost??How much does it cost to get hair cut, dye whole head, and bleach for highlights?read details b4 replying?
Well, every salon is different but I'll give you what my salon would charge for that service...

All over color: $33

foil highlight: $60

Toner: $14

H/c with chemical service: $16

So that is $123. I would call the salon or see if they have a website to see what there prices are.

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